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The planets are the living, moving and breathing archetypes in a chart. They are the actors in our inner play, and they continue to act out as long as we are alive.  ”  — Laurence Hillman

By appointment

Astrology Insights by Janie Schumann

A natal astrology reading is a snapshot of who you are, your astrological signature, so to speak. The reading, also known as a birth chart, is a method for analyzing a person’s abilities, personal qualities, and the talents that we came here to use.  It can also reveal  your strengths in life and obstacles. An astrology consultation will allow you to view your weather in the heavens and understand how the planets sing to us.  We might not be able to change the weather, although we can be ready and prepared to navigate the great opportunities that come our way, and sidestep challenging times. Think of this as a user manual for your lifetime. 

Janie, astrologically speaking:

My sun sign is Taurus, a builder, matter of fact, and appreciating the finer things in life. Also reliable, compassionate, loyal, and trustworthy… Ruler Venus.  The element earth can be described as practical and exacting. It’s quality, determined and persistent, is a fixed sign.

My rising is Sagittarius, optimistic, outgoing, friendly, versatile, a traveler and intuitive… Ruler Jupiter. The element is fire, and can be described as adaptable and enthusiastic. It’s quality is mutable, meaning flexible and able to pivot quickly.

My moon sign is in Gemini, curious, intellectual, good at gathering information and a good communicator… Ruler Mercury. Always learning and collecting data to share with others.

Who are you?

We are never too old or too young to learn more about ourselves.

Natal Chart Consultation &Report: $150

A fingerprint of you, where the planets were in the heavens the moment you were born, and your potential. This will be a deep dive into exploring who you are, and insight into you becoming your best self. It is wonderful to understand our natal chart and learn how to work with our blueprint, rather than against it. This is an interactive consultation with you participating. I don’t need to be right; I want to be helpful.

Each reading will include a color natal chart wheel, and I will teach you to navigate the language of your chart and provide a PDF file of a Full Report about your birth chart. You will have a 45-minute phone consultation. I will email the chart before the reading, so you may review. And I will send detailed report within 1 hour after reading.

Solar Return Consultation: $150

You give birth to this chart annually when the sun reaches the precise degree and minute it occupied at your birth. Your solar return chart is cast for the date and time the sun reaches your natal placement each year. What is your energy imprint for the coming year ahead? A natal chart is the imprint for your entire lifetime, whereas a solar return is a weather report of the coming year ahead. This reading includes a chart and a detailed report that are emailed to you and also includes a 45 minute phone consultation.

Consultation: $50

A Mini Astrology reading to get you started on your path to understanding your sun, moon, and rising sign.

OR a Transit reading, where are the planets today, the present weather in the heavens and how are the planets affecting me at this moment in time. Is it a good time to move forward or continue to stay put or what I might need to be aware of and possible opportunities.

Or  “Astrology Talk” about whatever you want to address. Have questions about your chart or want more information about the houses or specific planets…I’m open to giving you this insight.

Any one of these 3 consultations you choose is 20 minutes. The appropriate chart is included and will be emailed to you.

Book Astrologer for Private Parties and Special Events – 
Contact me for group pricing   

Janie Schumann

I am a professional astrologer in Fayetteville, Arkansas. I have been a student of the heavens for over 40 years. I have been fortunate to assist hundreds of individuals in understanding their full potential that they have available to them. I have also been in the alternative healing field for 25 years, in which I use my astrological knowledge to assist in this field too.

Astrology is a source of inspiration and guidance for me. It is the study of the movements of celestial objects in the sky.

When astrology first came into my life it gave me the power to better understand myself, to comprehend patterns and cycles that kept showing up, and to see the best time to move forward, or stay put for the moment, or look out for challenges that may be coming my way.

The basis for my approach is helping the client understand their strengths and how I may be the most helpful. Our natal chart is a fingerprint of who we are. Astrology is another language. I am here to assist in interpreting this language and show insight of how to break down the code.

Astrological insights may also bring greater communication and understanding with family, and other relationships. It can show what our natural abilities are, or pitfalls we might need to look out for.

In times as uncertain as these, more folks are turning toward the stars for guidance and alternate ways to better understand themselves.

The insight of knowing that our moon sign rules our emotions, and our rising sign is how the world views us, may help give us more understanding and make our life’s path a little easier to navigate.

My work includes natal birth charts, solar return charts, transits and mini readings.

Check out my sister site – – to learn about my biofeedback and wellness services.

“Astrology is firstly a discipline of the mind, a technique for the development of holistic thinking.

The study of cyclic patterns of astrology places the mind in the habit of constantly perceiving things as wholes, rather than as unrelated parts. An understanding of astrology makes the mind aware that what is happening at any given moment is just one point. of an entire cycle of complex and intricate relationships. It gives one objective awareness of the unity of all things, the conscious realization that all things are some way intimately related to everything else.”


— Michael Meyer, “A Handbook for the Humanistic Astrologer “


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How do I Schedule a Consultation?

Email or Call me and we will schedule your Reading
